Deferred Payment Models

At Zilowat we offer a unique deferred payment model for energy equipment replacement, providing you with the opportunity to upgrade your equipment without any upfront capital Investment. We understand that investing in new energy equipment can be a significant financial commitment, which is why we have developed a solution that allows you to enjoy the benefits of improved efficiency and cost savings while deferring the payments over a specific period.

  • Engineering, Installation and New Equipment supply included at no upfront cost

  • Manufacturers regular maintenance and extended equipment warranties are included in the deferred payment plan throughout the entire contract period

  • Energy savings that can be achieved are 100% your benefit and will not increase the agreed repayment amount

  • Payment of a fixed amount per month or quarter with no deposit before commissioning

  • Flexible repayment options ranging from 3 – 10 years

  • Shariah compliant funded solutions

  • Off balance sheet financing, which means that the re payment plan does not affect your credit lines

  • A complimentary energy management platform and consultancy for achieving more energy savings included in the package